What's in your Mailbox?

Peanuts Mail

Sending a birthday card; is it Social Networking – IRL? (in real life)

When was the last time you sent someone a real card in the mail?  Did you get any actual “Paper” cards on your last Birthday?

Remembering someone’s birthday is an easy, personal way to stay in touch with your past clients.  Everyone loves getting a card on their birthday. Recently, I had a client call and thank me for sending her a Birthday Card!  And just last week, a friend at church came up to me and thanked me for her card!  Imagine that…A simple little card!

Today’s technology has made it so convenient to post a short birthday message to clients and friends on Facebook or send an e-Card via email.  Now, I’m not knocking those methods… they’re great and more than most folks do!

However, a card sent through the mail clearly demonstrates that you took the time to be thoughtful and shows how much you care. When you remember your clients, they will be more inclined to remember you… when it comes to referring your name to  their friends and associates!

But, I don’t have my client’s birthdays, you say? Here are 3 tips for building your birthday database.

1) For those who attend closings, ask the closing attorney or title company for a copy of your clients driver’s license for your closing file.  Closing attorneys and title companies always get a copy of the driver’s license!

2) Use Facebook to find friends birthdays! Depending on how many friends/clients you have, you just might need a Virtual Assistant to help you with this project.  It’s on-going, so remember to go back each month to find “recently added” friends.

birthday cards

3) Have your Seller’s and Buyer’s fill out a New Client Information Form that includes a section for birthdays.  Add children’s birthdays and pets, too… Talk about making a good impression!

Whatever method you use to build your Birthday Database – Start sending Birthday Cards and see what kind of reaction you get!

P.S. Send me your birthday and address, I’ll send you a card!

About Patty

CEO/Founder: AnotherME - Virtual Assistants of Real Estate Providing RE Support, Mktg & Social Media ~ We do Business in the Cloud ~ Love a Good Martini or Glass of Wine ~ RE TrendWatcher
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